34-1-143. Information to be furnished to department of revenue and the state board of equalization.

The county clerk shall place the recording data on the statement of consideration paid and deliver the statement to the county assessor. The county assessor shall furnish information from the statements of consideration to the state board of equalization and department of revenue as the board or department shall require, and when disclosed under W.S. 34-1-142(g) and 39-13-109(b)(i), any person or his agent wishing to review or contest his property tax assessment or valuation and the county board of equalization. The county assessor may furnish information from the statements of consideration to a county assessor in another county in this state to be used as provided by law.

Even though the Natrona County Assessor wrote this on the top of any information he gave you: “Under W.S. 34-1-144 it is a misdemeanor for a person to willfully disclose this information to persons other than the County Board of Equalization in conjunction with any hearing before the board” It is a misquote whether intentional or not! 

The actual statute reads:

34-1-144. Penalty for falsifying statement.

It is a misdemeanor for a person to willfully falsify or publicly disclose, except as specifically authorized by law, any information on the statement of consideration required by W.S. 34-1-142 and 34-1-143. Upon conviction the offender is subject to a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both.

By law you may share it with anyone acting as your agent on you behalf